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Breast-feeding VS Bottle-feeding in Preventing Childhood Cavities.

07/10/16 6:22 AM

It has been suggested that breast-feeding over bottle-feeding is better for the overall health of your baby.  However with regards to early childhood cavities breast-feeding is no better or worse then bottle feeding both can cause dental decay in baby teeth if proper dental care is not taken.

To help prevent dental decay:  Avoid overnight feedings, letting your baby nurse at will can make milk pool in baby’s mouth which will cause acid to form contagiously throughout the night which can lead to tooth decay.  This is the same with bottles so avoid letting your child walk around with a baby bottle.   Whether you  are breast feeding or bottle feeding your baby, wipe your baby’s teeth and gums with a clean damp washcloth after feedings.

The ADA (American Dental Association) suggest that you encourage your child to drink from a cup by the time they reach their first birthday.  Dentist suggest that you should take  your child to their first dental appointment by the time they reach their first birthday.  We suggest having either dental insurance or a dental plan in force in order to help make going to the dentist more affordable.  And remember preventive dental care starts from home.


Posted on 07/10/16 6:22 AM | by California Dental | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on Breast-feeding VS Bottle-feeding in Preventing Childhood Cavities.

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